I’ve been so impressed with the creative things businesses are doing to lure us into using them. My favorite art supply company, Cheap Joes offers free shipping on all orders. The local Cineplex sent a postcard offering two movie tickets for the price of one, plus a free 46 oz popcorn with purchase of a soda every Tuesday during the month of March. What a deal!
We got a huge wake-up call last fall. There are certainly people in this country who are in dire straights, losing homes and jobs. Those of us who aren’t affected directly know someone who is or are afraid because of the situation.
The good news is the savings has shifted from a negative rate to over 8%. This is in part a good thing. BUT, if we totally button up and stop spending completely, we’ll collectively send the economy into the depression everyone is talking about.
Most people don’t realize that small business is the backbone of our country. Over the last twenty years, small business has had the most job growth. While the large corporations have been losing jobs, small companies have been growing.
I want to start a campaign to help a small business. As you go through your week, identify a small business you can go out of your way to support. It can be an artisan, independent farmer, retail establishment, or service provider.
I painted last Tuesday. There’s a gentleman that comes by every week to wash cars. My first inclination was to say no and save the $20.00. Then, I stopped. That $20.00 isn’t going to kill me, but it’s going to mean a lot to him.
Since then, I’ve done a lot of thinking about the economy. We can buy into the nightly news of how horrible it is, weave a cocoon, and try to hibernate. Or we can declare we are going to do everything to be positive, supportive and make a contribution to the world we live in.
I love being connected to the amazing small business people on the Internet, so I want to start a viral campaign to shift the energy and momentum in a new direction. Will you help?
We got a huge wake-up call last fall. There are certainly people in this country who are in dire straights, losing homes and jobs. Those of us who aren’t affected directly know someone who is or are afraid because of the situation.
The good news is the savings has shifted from a negative rate to over 8%. This is in part a good thing. BUT, if we totally button up and stop spending completely, we’ll collectively send the economy into the depression everyone is talking about.
Most people don’t realize that small business is the backbone of our country. Over the last twenty years, small business has had the most job growth. While the large corporations have been losing jobs, small companies have been growing.
I want to start a campaign to help a small business. As you go through your week, identify a small business you can go out of your way to support. It can be an artisan, independent farmer, retail establishment, or service provider.
I painted last Tuesday. There’s a gentleman that comes by every week to wash cars. My first inclination was to say no and save the $20.00. Then, I stopped. That $20.00 isn’t going to kill me, but it’s going to mean a lot to him.
Since then, I’ve done a lot of thinking about the economy. We can buy into the nightly news of how horrible it is, weave a cocoon, and try to hibernate. Or we can declare we are going to do everything to be positive, supportive and make a contribution to the world we live in.
I love being connected to the amazing small business people on the Internet, so I want to start a viral campaign to shift the energy and momentum in a new direction. Will you help?
1 comment:
Great idea - yes, I will do it!
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