When I was researching web sites about retirement life, I concluded that the boomers are just as obsessed with love and sex now, as they were forty years ago.
With the divorce rate still high, many women over 50 are interested in senior dating. The Dating Goddess found herself single at 48. She started dating eighteen months later and has been writing about it ever since. While an excellent writer, she's the 'every woman' self described as attractive but overweight who doesn't match the description of what men say they are looking for.
Dubbed the Dating Goddess by her friends she offers solid advice with a touch of humor and real heart.
When asked what are the mistakes women over 50 make when they start dating, she replied:
They either shoot too high or too low. They shoot too high by having grandiose expectations that their next mate will meet all 100 of their criteria, rather than looking for someone who matches their values and who is attractive to them.
By shooting too low they accept selfish, immature behaviors out of loneliness. They are so desperate to have someone to go to the movies with or cuddle with, they accept loutish behaviors.
You can read the full article at the retirement life matters website.
Wanting love doesn't change as we grow older. Finding help and support along the way is great for anyone.
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